Water Sources

Adair County PWSD #1 Water Sources

Adair County P.W.S.D. Hazel Creek Lake Cropped#1 receives 99% of its water from the City of Kirksville. This arrangement has helped to keep water prices at affordable rates for both consumers and businesses located in our service area. Currently our service area includes all of Adair County except the City of Kirksville. In addition, we do serve the City of LaPlata in Northern Macon County as well as several customers in Northern Macon County.

Kirksville receives its water from local sources (with a very few exceptions). The two local sources which Kirksville uses are Forest Lake, which is located in Thousand Hills State Park, and Hazel Creek Lake, which is located in Northern Adair County. Both lakes are man made reservoirs which have a surface area of over 530 acres each.

Sources Map